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Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene Ezlb9t10
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Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene Ezlb9t10
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Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene
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الجنس : ذكر
العمر : 32
عدد المساهمـات : 4495


وسائل الإتصال:

موضوع: Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile sceneFriend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene I_icon_minitime4/19/2011, 12:00

By Stephen Borelli, USA TODAY
137 Comments 18 Recommend

Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene Fanx-wide-community
By Jed Jacobsohn, Getty Images

friend who was with Giants fan Bryan Stow when Stow was critically
injured on opening day describes a scene in the Dodger Stadium parking
lot that went from intimidating to hostile.Corey Maciel also
told 710 ESPN Radio in Los Angeles that Stow was blindsided during the
attack and was "unconscious before he ever hit the ground."Stow remains in a medically induced coma after having surgery on his skull to take pressure off his brain.Here is Maciel's radio account of what happened to Stow, according to ESPN Los Angeles:
were walking out and the mood definitely changed from intimidating to
hostile once we got into the parking lot. We were actually out there, we
were saying great game, shaking some Dodgers fans hands. There were
some that were yelling profanities, and just being rowdy. That's how it
started. … We were honestly just trying to get out of there with our
heads down and our tails between our legs because it turned from
intimidating to hostile and we were uncomfortable and wanted out of
there. …"Bryan and I were walking, side-by-side, and talking, not
even about the game, about work, I think. Somebody pushed Bryan. This
guy came out from behind the car and pushed Bryan into me. I grabbed
Bryan and rolled away. We kept walking. Then, at that point my older
brother Matt intercepted a punch on the cheek that was meant for Bryan,
by the same guy that had pushed Bryan. … We all kept walking. We didn't
say anything. We just knew we needed to get out of there. We needed to
avoid this confrontation. About five minutes later, they came up from
behind us, and they caught us when we were all a little bit spread out. I
never saw it coming. My other friend Jeff got hit in the mouth and
Bryan got hit from behind. He got hit in the side of the head and never
saw it coming."
Giants and Dodgers fans came together Monday night as their teams played at AT&T Park, and a player from each team spoke out against fan violence."When
the last out is made, that rivalry ends on the field, so please respect
that," Giants reliever Jeremy Affeldt said, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.See photos of: Bryan Stow

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 الموضوعالأصلي : Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene // المصدر : منتديات ثقف نفسك // الكاتب: ADMIN

ADMIN ; توقيع العضو

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الصورة الرمزية


الجنس : انثى
العمر : 30
عدد المساهمـات : 286


وسائل الإتصال:

موضوع: رد: Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile sceneFriend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene I_icon_minitime4/26/2011, 20:41

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 الموضوعالأصلي : Friend of brutally beaten Giants fan recalls hostile scene // المصدر : منتديات ثقف نفسك // الكاتب: Soummia

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